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PROTEAN Plus Dodeca 高通量電泳槽能容納12 塊大型板式凝膠,與PROTEAN IEF等電聚 焦電泳係統的高通量匹配,滿足雙向電泳高容量 的應用要求*。PROTEAN Plus Dodeca 高通量電 泳槽的冷卻、再循環和板式電極等特點能提供穩 定均一的高分辨率結果。PROTEAN Plus Dodeca 高通量電泳槽有以下特點:
可同時進行1-12 塊凝膠電泳,滿足高通量和可 重複的要求
陶瓷冷卻芯、緩衝液再循環泵**和外接冷卻循環 器能提供高分辨結果所需的有效冷卻——使得凝 膠周圍緩衝液溫度變化小於1 °C
板式電極**能產生zui均一的電場,保證所有樣品在同 一條件下進行電泳。
可適用於多種凝膠規格:18.3 x 19.3 cm(帶多歧管)、 20 x 20.5 cm 或25 x 20.5 cm (W x L),厚度1.0、1.5 或2.0 mm
帶有封邊墊條的合頁式的玻板(hinged spacer plates)設計,保證精確對位,避免漏電。
玻板有多種高度便於IPG 膠條或管式凝膠上樣:AnyGel 置膠架可在上樣過程中穩定和放置凝膠。
有多種專為Dodeca 電泳槽設計的消耗品,使用更為方便。詳見PROTEAN Plus 預製膠, PROTEAN Plus 覆蓋瓊製糖,精確分子量Precision Plus Protein 蛋白標準品插塊。
凝膠數量 1–12塊
預製膠 protean plus ready gel 預製膠
手灌膠 用protean plus 合頁式的玻板和
protean plus 多板凝膠凝膠灌膠器灌製
典型電泳條件 12 塊手灌凝膠,200 v 恒壓, ~800 ma (初始) 電泳6-7 小時
推薦電源 powerpac hc 或powerpac 通用電源
冷卻係統 內置陶瓷冷卻芯,外圍緩衝液再循環泵和外接冷卻循環器
(循環器需另行購買;推薦流速10-15 gal/min,
推薦冷卻功率>250 w , 20°c)
所需的總緩衝液體積 22.5 l
大小(w x l x h) 槽:34.5 x 39.5 x 34.5 cm; 泵: 17.5 x 19.5 x 12 cm
protean plus dodeca cell
165-4150 protean plus dodeca cell, 100/120 v, includes electrophoresis buffer tank with built-in ceramic cooling core, lid, buffer recirculation pump with tubing, 2 gel releasers, instructions
165-4151 protean plus dodeca cell, 220/240 v, includes electrophoresis buffer tank with built-in ceramic cooling core, lid, buffer recirculation pump with tubing, 2 gel releasers, instructions
165-4158 recirculation pump, 100/120 v
165-4159 recirculation pump, 220/240 v
replacement parts
165-4153 replacement tubing kit, for tank with stopcock drain port installed at base of tank
165-4154 replacement gasket assembly
165-4155 replacement electrode card, anode
165-4156 replacement electrode card, cathode
165-4157 replacement lid
165-4166 manifold tubing, required for precast gels and protean ii plates, 11 pieces
165-2948 replacement power cables, for lid
165-4167 buffer exhaust tubing
protean plus hinged cassettes
165-4170 hinged spacer plates, for 20 x 20.5 cm (w x l) gels, 1.0 mm, 1 set
165-4171 hinged spacer plates, for 20 x 20.5 cm (w x l) gels, 1.5 mm, 1 set
165-4172 hinged spacer plates, for 20 x 20.5 cm (w x l) gels, 2.0 mm, 1 set
165-4173 hinged spacer plates, for 25 x 20.5 cm (w x l) gels, 1.0 mm, 1 set
165-4174 hinged spacer plates, for 25 x 20.5 cm (w x l) gels, 1.5 mm, 1 set
165-4175 hinged spacer plates, for 25 x 20.5 cm (w x l) gels, 2.0 mm, 1 set
165-3320 gel releasers, 5
165-4121 model 495 gradient former, 100–1,500 ml, includes body with valve stem and tubing connection kit
165-4160 protean plus multi-casting chamber, includes casting chamber, sealing plate, silicone gasket, tapered luer connector, leveling bubble, 8 acrylic blocks, 15 separation sheets, iinstructions (order glass hinged spacer plates and combs separay)
165-5131 anygel stand, 6-row, holds 6 protean gels, 12 criterion gels, or 18 readygel mini gels; includes instructions