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在癌症研究發展及多種單基因或多基因疾病的研究過程中,探索未知突變起著非常重要的作用。DNA 多態性 是物種的生態與進化研究非常有用的工具。應用範圍包括物種鑒定、種群結構分析及遺傳多樣性研究等。
DCode 係統由帶溫度控製模塊(包括微處理器控製加熱)的電泳設備、一個緩衝液再循環泵、一個攪拌器及鋪製特殊應用凝膠的附件組成。冷卻槽及一個外部實驗室冷卻器可把運行溫度控製在室溫下。一塊凝膠能在2 個小 時內運行64 個樣品,並提供5-70°C 範圍內的精確溫度控製。它可與下列的電泳技術配合使用來檢測單堿基變化:
為了獲得zui高的通量和效率,許多實驗室采用多種技術。在快節奏研究環境中,不同方法間的快速切換和轉換 到新技術的能力是非常關鍵的。DCode 係統能迎合所有主要突變檢測技術的需要。其靈活的功能與優點包括:
針對特定技術的試劑和對照物,適合DGGE、CDGE、SSCP 和TTGE 等技術目錄 #
DCode Systems
DCode System for DGGE, 120 V, for 16 cm gels with single prep well (1 mm), includes comb gasket, 2 sets of clamps, Model 475 gradient former, all parts required to cast gradient gels
DCode System for DGGE, 220/240 V, for 16 cm gels with single prep well (1 mm), includes comb gasket, 2 sets of clamps, Model 475 gradient former, all parts required to cast gradient gels
DCode System for DGGE, 100 V, for 16 cm gels with single prep well (1 mm), includes comb gasket, 2 sets of clamps, Model 475 gradient former, all parts required to cast gradient gels
DCode System for DGGE, 120 V, for 10 cm gels with 2 prep wells (1 mm), includes comb gasket, 2 sets of clamps, Model 475 gradient former, all parts required to cast gradient gels
DCode System for DGGE, 220/240 V, for 10 cm gels with 2 prep wells (1 mm), includes comb gasket, 2 sets of clamps, Model 475 gradient former, all parts required to cast gradient gels
DCode System for DGGE, 100 V, for 10 cm gels with 2 prep wells (1 mm), includes comb gasket, 2 sets of clamps, Model 475 gradient former, all parts required to cast gradient gels
DCode System for CDGE, 120 V, for 16 cm gels with 20 wells (1 mm), includes comb gasket, 2 sets of clamps, Model 475 gradient former, all parts required to cast gradient gels
DCode System for TTGE, 120 V, for 16 cm gels with 20 wells (1 mm), includes comb gasket, 2 sets of clamps, Model 475 gradient former, all parts required to cast gradient gels, control reagents for TTGE
DCode System for TTGE, 220/240 V
DCode System for TTGE, 100 V
DCode System for SSCP, 120 V, for 20 cm gels with 20 wells (0.75 mm), includes comb gasket, 2 sets of clamps, Model 475 gradient former, all parts required to cast gradient gels, cooling tank adaptor for use with external cooling bath, control reagents for SSCP
DCode System for SSCP, 220/240 V
DCode System for SSCP, 100 V
Complete DCode System, 120 V, Mac, includes electrophoresis/temperature control module with standard and cooling tanks, sandwich core, Model 475 gradient former with all accessories required to cast gradient gels, WinMelt software, control reagents for DGGE, CDGE, TTGE and SSCP systems
Complete DCode System, 220/240 V, Mac, includes electrophoresis/temperature control module with standard and cooling tanks, sandwich core, Model 475 gradient former with all accessories required to cast gradient gels, WinMelt software, control reagents for DGGE, CDGE, TTGE and SSCP, plates, combs and spacers to cast 1 mm and 0.75 mm thick 10, 16, and 20 cm gels as described for the DGGE, CDGE, TTGE, and SSCP systems
Complete DCode System, 100 V, Mac, includes electrophoresis/temperature control module with standard and cooling tanks, sandwich core, Model 475 gradient former with all accessories required to cast gradient gels, WinMelt software, control reagents for DGGE, CDGE, TTGE and SSCP systems
Complete DCode System, 120 V, PC, includes electrophoresis/temperature control module with standard and cooling tanks, sandwich core, Model 475 gradient former with all accessories required to cast gradient gels, WinMelt software, control reagents for DGGE, CDGE, TTGE and SSCP, plates, combs and spacers to cast 1 mm and 0.75 mm thick 10, 16 and 20 cm gels as described for the DGGE, CDGE, TTGE, and SSCP systems
Complete DCode System, 220/240 V, PC, includes electrophoresis/temperature control module with standard and cooling tanks, sandwich core, Model 475 gradient former with all accessories required to cast gradient gels, WinMelt software, control reagents for DGGE, CDGE, TTGE and SSCP, plates, combs and spacers to cast 1 mm and 0.75 mm thick 10, 16, and 20 cm gels as described for the DGGE, CDGE, TTGE, and SSCP systems
Complete DCode System, 100 V, PC, includes electrophoresis/temperature control module with standard and cooling tanks, sandwich core, Model 475 gradient former with all accessories required to cast gradient gels, WinMelt software, control reagents for DGGE, CDGE, TTGE and SSCP, plates, combs and spacers to cast 1 mm and 0.75 mm thick 10, 16, and 20 cm gels as described for the DGGE, CDGE, TTGE, and SSCP systems